Product Images


Wire Instruments Handmade Guitar


Black Rapid Camera Strap

Working in a dedicated photo studio offers unique opportunity to craft detailed images.  The atmosphere can be tailored to get just the right light and composition, perfect for product shots.

Photo Bakery's dedicated studio space is perfect for this work. We use 9' seamless backdrops in a world of colors. A dedicated ceiling rack system enables wireless lighting to move dynamically in 3 dimensions to get to just the right position. Our Nikon mirrorless cameras produce wonderful, tack-sharp images. The working environment is designed to capture well lit, clean images for one product or hundreds.

Along with capturing the images, we'll ensure the full end-to-end delivery of images of your product is seamless.  Product pickup/dropoff locally in Seattle is included, or we'll recieve & ship remote product no problem.  We'll edit images to ensure accurate colors, clean borders and delivery in your desired image format & dimensions.

When the shoot is complete, you'll receive your images online via a private, password-protected gallery from which you can download all of your content.

Trickier situations are no problem.  People+product images?  Reflective surfaces?  We love dialing in lighting and getting it just right for you.

Let's get started capturing images of your product!  Follow the link to contact us with what you'd like captured.


T3RNION Exercise Bar